EXCLUSIVE: Cheltenham site earmarked for 180 homes attacked by arsonists
By Laura Enfield | 4th September 2024
A Cheltenham site earmarked for 180 homes has been attacked by vandals and arsonists.

Arle Nursery in Old Gloucester Road has been allocated for housing by the borough council since it closed around a decade ago.
The buildings have sat empty ever since but have become increasingly targeted by criminals and are now marked for demolition.
Civic chiefs previously said they wanted construction on the site and a neighbouring field to start this spring and the first homes to be ready for occupation towards the end of 2024.
However, development has been delayed due to site difficulties such as flooding and two high-pressure gas pipes running along the land.
Previous partner Cheltenham Borough Homes dropped out after being unable to deliver a scheme which would meet all of the council's goals.
Progress was finally made in February when Tewkesbury-based Bromford Housing Association announced it would be buying the nursery site from Cheltenham Borough Council and a neighbouring field from Gloucestershire County Council.
It submitted an application (24/00449/FUL) in March to build 180 homes on the two sites, which total six hectares.

The plans include 40% affordable housing, access, landscaping, drainage and other associated works.
Of the 109 homes for open market sale, eight would be flats and 100 would be houses.
The affordable homes would be split into 58 for social, affordable or intermediate rent and 14 for affordable homes ownership.

The homes would range from two to three-storeys and have a total of 324 car parking spaces and 180 bicycle spaces.
Play provision has been determined as "unwarranted" because Pilgrove Way Playground is a 400m walk away.
A decision on the proposals had been expected in June but is still pending.

Meanwhile, plans have been submitted to urgently demolish the glasshouses and semi-detached buildings on the nursery site due to illegal trespassers and vandalism.

A statement by Evans Jones on behalf of the applicant said: " There has been noted anti-social behaviour at Arle Nursery recently, including criminal damage and arson attempts. Instances of anti-social behaviour have been occurring 3-4 times per month on average, trespassers gaining access to the site by using portal grinders to remove panels from the palisade perimeter fencing, then throwing stones at the glass panels and starting fires within the buildings.
"As a temporary mitigation, the fire service and council are conducting weekly walk-arounds to ensure that the perimeter remains secure."
If approved the buildings will be knocked down on September 16.
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