Flats plan for upper floors of former bank
By David Wood | 29th January 2025
Plans have been submitted to convert the two upper floors of the former HSBC bank in Cirencester into four residential flats.
The Grade II listed building in Market Place has been empty since the bank closed in August 2023. It forms part of the wider Cirencester Town Centre Conservation Area.

The building, which is believed to have been built in 1915-16, occupies a prominent corner overlooking the Market Place in the centre of the town, located at the junction of Cricklade Street.
Now Consensus Planning Ltd have been instructed by Fulton Holdings Ltd to submit a planning and listed building application to Cotswold District Council for the conversion scheme.
The scheme seeks to create four apartments, including two x two-beds, one x one-bed and a studio apartment, comprising a material change of use from Class E to Class C3.
A statement from Consensus Planning says: "The first and second (upper) floors were in Class E use and used for ancillary storage and offices in connection with the former bank at ground floor level also Class E.

"This application demonstrates that the proposal is acceptable in principle complying with the relevant Development Plan policies; and that the proposals will result in a number of changes to the surviving historic fabric and layout of the first and second floors, to the building's historic internal layout on these floors, notwithstanding the multiple alterations which will result in a low level of harm within the spectrum of less than substantial harm.
"Furthermore, it is shown that there would be no adverse amenity impacts in terms of the prospective occupiers and neighbouring properties; and that the development is consistent with accessibility and highways.
"It is concluded that the proposal represents sustainable development in line with the Development Plan; emerging policy; national guidance and other material considerations."
The application is set to go before Cotswold District Council for consideration.
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